L'info court
A longdog (sometimes long dog) is any type of sighthound, either a purebred sighthound breed, or a crossbreed of pure sighthound breeds, although the term is most frequently used to refer to crossbred sighthounds. Longdogs are often compared to the lurcher, compared to the longdog the lurcher is usually a cross of a sighthound with a collie or terrier.Examples of longdogs include the American staghound and Australian kangaroo dog.
L'application Dog Scanner fournit beaucoup plus d'informations sur la race Longdog ainsi que beaucoup d'autres.
aussi connu comme
Cette race est également appelée Long Dog ainsi que Longdog.
Votre chien est-il un Longdog ?
Vous pouvez utiliser notre application Dog Scanner pour savoir si votre chien est un Longdog.