Mudhol Hound
The Mudhol Hound, also known variously as the Maratha Hound, the Pashmi Hound and the Kathewar Dog, is a breed of sighthound from India.The Kennel Club of India (KCI) and Indian National Kennel Club (INKC) recognize the breed under different breed names. The KCI registers it as a Caravan Hound while the INKC uses the name Mudhol Hound.In 2005 the Mudhol Hound was one of four Indian dog breeds featured on a set of postage stamps released by the Indian Ministry of Communications and Information Technology to celebrate the country's canine heritage. About 750 families in and around Mudhol town of Karnataka are raising this breed for marketing the puppies.
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Znany także jako
Rasa ta nazywana jest również Caravan Hound, Karwani, Kathewar Dog, Maratha Hound, Mudhol Dog, Mudhol Hound, Pashmi oraz Pashmi Hound.
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