Minuet Cat
The Napoleon cat (also known as the Minuet) is a recent breed, categorized by The International Cat Association (TICA) as a domestic hybrid breed, "a breed developed from a deliberate cross between two existing domestic breeds, incorporating characteristics of both parental breeds into the new breed." The two breeds from which make this cat are the Munchkin and the Persian. According to TICA's official standard for the Minuet, these breeds represent the only permissible outcrosses one may use to create the Napoleon. This includes the combinations Minuet × Minuet, Minuet × Munchkin, and Minuet × one of the Persian-type breeds (including Persians, Himalayans and Exotic Shorthairs). Napoleons come in both long-haired and short-haired varieties.
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Auch bekannt als
Diese Rasse wird auch Minuet, Minuet Cat, Napolean, Napoleon sowie Napoleon Cat genannt.
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