Gull Terr
The Gull Terrier (also known as the Gull Terr) is a rare breed of dog that originates from the Punjab region of Pakistan and India; it is believed to be several hundred years old. They are often used in dog fighting, hunting, and guarding. The Gull Terrier is related to the Bull Terrier breeds that come from Great Britain. These English dog breeds, along with those indigenous to the Indian subcontinent such as the Bully Kutta, played a major role in the Gull Terrier's breeding development and are considered to be a direct ancestor of the modern Gull Terrier.
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Auch bekannt als
Diese Rasse wird auch Bull Terr / Gull Terr, English / Gull Terr, Gull Terr, Indian Bull Terrier / Gull Terr, Indian Gull Terr / Gull Terr, Indo-Pakistani Bull Terrier / Gull Terr sowie La Provence Australe / Gull Terr genannt.
Ist dein Hund ein Gull Terr?
Du kannst unsere Dog Scanner App nutzen, um herauszufinden, ob es sich bei deinem Hund um einen Gull Terr handelt.