
L'info court

The Armant (also known as Egyptian Sheepdog or Ermenti) is a breed of herding dog from Egypt. It is believed the Armant descends from Briards brought to Egypt by Napoleon's armies, these dogs were likely crossed with local dogs to produce the first examples of the breed. The Armant is named after the town of Armant in Egypt, the supposed place of origin of the breed, the breed is not very well known but is used extensively within Egypt as both a herding dog and a guard dog.

L'application Dog Scanner fournit beaucoup plus d'informations sur la race Armant ainsi que beaucoup d'autres.

aussi connu comme

Cette race est également appelée Armant, Armant Dog, Egyptian Sheepdog, Ermenti ainsi que Hawara Dog.

Votre chien est-il un Armant ?

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Armant - Dog Scanner