
L'info court

The Huntaway (also known as the New Zealand Huntaway) is a large, strongly-built breed of dog used for general sheep-herding tasks in New Zealand, where they originate. They were bred to use their loud, deep bark to drive sheep. The breed is relatively new, dating from the late-19th century, and distinguished only on working ability. There is no prescribed appearance or lineage, but they are usually black-and-tan coloured. Only dogs that win at trials may be registered by the New Zealand Sheep Dog Trial Association in their studbook.

L'application Dog Scanner fournit beaucoup plus d'informations sur la race Huntaway ainsi que beaucoup d'autres.

aussi connu comme

Cette race est également appelée Huntaway, New Zealand Huntaway ainsi que New Zealand Sheepdog.

Votre chien est-il un Huntaway ?

Vous pouvez utiliser notre application Dog Scanner pour savoir si votre chien est un Huntaway.