Old German Herding Dogs


The old German herding dogs (German: altdeutsche Hütehunde), including old German sheep-dogs or old German shepherd dogs (altdeutsche Schäferhunde) are a group of traditional types of working, herding dogs from Germany. They are landraces consisting of working strains of dog, and some of them are the types from which the modern German Shepherd Dog was developed as a standardised breed. The landraces are not recognised by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale, but some have their own standards which are for working ability, not appearance traits.

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Conosciuto anche come

Questa razza è anche chiamata Altdeutsche Hütehunde / Old German Herding Dogs, Altdeutscher Hütehund / Old German Herding Dogs, Fuchs, Gelbbacke, Harzer Fuchs, Kuhhund, Old German Cattle Dog / Old German Herding Dogs, Old German Herding Dogs, Old German Sheperd Dog / Old German Herding Dogs, Schafpudel, Schwarzer, Strobel, Tiger e altdeutsche Schäferhunde / Old German Herding Dogs.

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