Javanese Cat Longhair


The Javanese, also known as the Colorpoint (or Colourpoint) Longhair in some registries (though that name has other meanings), is a variety of purebred domestic cat. It is an Oriental-type, the long-haired equivalent of the Colorpoint Shorthair. The variety was developed in North America; its name is derived from the tradition of naming Oriental-type cats after Southeast Asian places. It is an offshoot of the Balinese breed, out-crossed to Siamese and Colorpoint Shorthair, and often having coat patterns not acceptable in those breeds. Individuals may or may not be have point coloration. Depending on the cat registry in question, it may be treated as a stand-alone breed, considered a Javanese division of the Balinese, or subsumed with the Himalayan into a merged breed called simply Colourpoint. Confusingly, one registry applies Javanese to a different breed. (See § Classification below for details; this article focuses on the CFA breed/sub-breed.)

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Ook bekend als

Dit ras wordt ook wel Balinese (Javanese Division), Colorpoint Longhair, Colourpoint Longhair, Javanese, Javanese Cat, Javanese Cat Longhair, Javanese Division, Javi, Mandarin en Oriental Long Hair genoemd.

Is uw kat een Javanese Cat Longhair?

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