Villano de Las Encartaciones


The Villano de Las Encartaciones (Basque: Enkarterriko billano, Cantabrian: Villanu) is a Spanish working dog from the region of Las Encartaciones in the province of Biscay, in the Basque country, eastern Cantabria and northern Burgos. There are less than 100 of them in existence. The Villano derived from the Spanish Bulldog, of which it represents a lighter, faster and more agile version. The dog is used to catch Monchina cattle, which are raised in a feral state in northern Spain. The Villano is also used for boar hunting given its qualities as a catch dog. Males stand 60 to 65 cm at the shoulder and weigh up to 35 kg.

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Ook bekend als

Dit ras wordt ook wel Basque Butcher's Dog, Basque Catch Dog, Basque Cattle Dog, Basque Cattle Landrace Dog, Basque Dogo, Basque Landrace Dog, Cattle Dog From Las Encartaciones, Las Encartaciones Cattle Dog, Villano Dog en Villano de Las Encartaciones genoemd.

Is uw hond een Villano de Las Encartaciones?

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