Rampur Greyhound
Сводная информация
The Rampur Greyhound is a breed of sighthound native to the Rampur region of Northern India, which lies between Delhi and Bareilly. It is believed the Rampur Greyhound descends from early Afghan Hounds, with their present day appearance due to extensive crosses to the Greyhound in the 19th century to improve the breed's speed. The Rampur Greyhound is a short haired, powerfully built sighthound that resembles the Sloughi in appearance, it is rarely seen outside of its native land where it is retained as a coursing dog, rarely being kept as a companion dog.
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Также известный как
Эта порода также называется North-Indian Greyhound, Rampur Dog, Rampur Greyhound, а также Rampur Hound.
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