Сводная информация
The Pottok or Pottoka ( or , Basque: pottoka [poˈcoka]), is an endangered, semi-feral breed of pony native to the Pyrenees of the Basque Country in France and Spain. It is considered an ancient breed of horse, particularly well adapted to the harsh mountain areas it traditionally inhabits. Once common, it is endangered through habitat loss, mechanization and crossbreeding but efforts are increasingly made to safeguard the future of this breed. It is considered iconic by the Basque people.
Приложение Horse Scanner предоставляет гораздо больше информации о породе Pottok, а также многое другое.
Также известный как
Эта порода также называется Basque Pony, Pottock, Pottock Pony, Pottok, а также Pottoka.
Твоя лошадь - это
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