

Tibetan cats are a very young breed. They are characterized by a semi-long, easy-care coat and a muscular, elegant build. They are especially suitable as domestic cats and develop a very close relationship to humans. They are very good climbers and love the company of other cats. The Tibetan was first classified as a separate breed in the Netherlands in 1997.

Die Cat Scanner App bietet umfangreiche Informationen über die Tibeter Rasse so wie viele(s) mehr.

Auch bekannt als

Diese Rasse wird auch Burmalayan, Himbur, Iranese, Layanese, Mink Longhair, Mink Persian, Silkanese, Tibetan, Tibeter, Tibitian, Tonkalayan sowie Tonkanese Longhair genannt.

Ist deine Katze eine Tibeter?

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