Drentse Patrijshond


The Drentsche Patrijshond is a versatile spaniel-type hunting dog from the Dutch province of Drenthe. Called the Dutch Partridge Dog (or "Drent" for Drenthe) in English, approximately 5,000 dogs are registered with the breed club in the Netherlands, and breed clubs operate in Belgium, Denmark, Scandinavia and North America. The Drentsche Patrijshond bears some resemblance to both spaniel and setter types of dog. An excellent pointer and retriever, this dog is often used to hunt fowl and adapts equally well to the field or marshes.

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Conosciuto anche come

Questa razza è anche chiamata Drent, Drentsche Partridge Dog, Drentsche Patrijshond, Drentse Patrijshond e Dutch Partridge Dog.

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