White Shepherd


The White Shepherd is a variety of the German Shepherd bred in the United States. White coated German Shepherds have been known in Europe as early as 1882, in 1933 the breed’s standard was amended in their native Germany, banning white coated dogs from registration. In the United States and Canada the coloration had gained a following and in 1969 a breed club was formed specifically for white coloured German Shepherds, calling their variety the White Shepherd. The variety is recognized as a separate breed by the United Kennel Club.

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Znany także jako

Rasa ta nazywana jest również Berger Blanc Swiss, Snowy Shepherd, Weisse Schaferhunde, Weisser Schweizer Schaeferhund, Weisser Schweizer Schaferhund, Weisser Schweizer Schäferhund, Weiße Schäferhunde, White German Shepard, White German Shepherd, White German Shepherd Dog oraz White Shepherd.

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