Dragon Li


The Dragon Li is a recently established Chinese breed of domestic cat (also called Chinese Li Hua or China Li Hua as a standardized breed, depending on breed registry). It was developed from a common landrace of cats in China, known as 貍花貓, Pinyin: lí huā māo, literally 'fox flower cat' (sometimes shortened to 花貓 huā māo or 貍貓 lí māo;) the native cats are featured in some Chinese folklore stories. The derived standardized breed is recognized by China's Cat Aficionado Association (CAA) the US-based, international Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA).

Die Cat Scanner App bietet umfangreiche Informationen über die Dragon Li Rasse so wie viele(s) mehr.

Auch bekannt als

Diese Rasse wird auch China Li Hua, Chinese Fox Flower Cat, Chinese Li Hua, Chinese Lia Hua, Dragon Li, Li Hua Mao, Li Hua Mau, Lí hua māo, Zh-Latn sowie 貍花貓 genannt.

Ist deine Katze eine Dragon Li?

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