German Shorthaired Pointer
The German Shorthaired Pointer (GSP) is a medium to large sized breed of dog developed in the 19th century in Germany for hunting. A versatile hunting breed, being an all-purpose gun breed of dog suitable for both land and water, he is streamlined yet powerful with strong legs that make him able to move rapidly and turn quickly. He has moderately long floppy ears set high on the head. His muzzle is long, broad, and strong, allowing it to retrieve even heavy game. The dog's profile should be straight or strongly Roman nosed; any dished appearance to the profile is incorrect. His eyes are generally brown, with darker eyes being desirable; yellow or "bird of prey" eyes are a fault. The tail is commonly docked, although this is now prohibited in some countries. In the current breed standard the tail is docked at approximately 40% of its length before it curves. In competition she is penalized if the tail is curved either up or down while the dog is moving. When the GSP is in classic point stance, the tail should be held straight out from the body, forming a line with the pointing head and body. Like all German pointers, GSPs have webbed feet. They are known for going after waterfowl in the water. The German Shorthaired Pointer is a member of the Sporting Group.In 2016, Nunes-Atkinson the owner, breeder and handler of CJ (3-year-old German Shorthaired Pointer) won the highest honor at the 140th annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show.
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Also known as
This breed is also called Deutsch Kurzhaar, German Short Haired Pointer, German Short-Haired Pointer, German Shorthair Pointer, German Shorthaired Pointer, Kurzhaar, Pointer (German Shorthaired), Vorsteh as well as Vorsteher.
Is your dog a German Shorthaired Pointer?
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