Learn more about your pet.

Pet owners frequently do not know the breed of their pet exactly. Therefore, our apps enable specific information about the various characteristics and traits of a pet.
In contrast to a time and cost intensive analysis of the DNA, the apps provide a reliable statement about the breed within seconds. This implies not only pure breed dogs, cats or horses, but also the determination of mixed breeds.

App Downloads
Identified animals per month

Our Apps

Our goal is to develop a universal animal recognition to increase the knowledge about the global biodiversity. So far we focus on the determination of the following species:

Dog Scanner

Dog Scanner

Cat Scanner

Cat Scanner

Horse Scanner New

Horse Scanner


Share results with the community

Social Feed Update

Our Scanner apps got a new exciting update! The current release available on iOS supports a new social feed allowing users to share their content […]

New app Horse Scanner launched

Horse Scanner Launch

We are excited to welcome our third app to our product portfolio. In addition to dogs and cats, you can now determine horse breeds quickly […]

Gamification Update

Like Pokémon Go

We’re happy to announce that our Scanner apps got a new exciting update! The current release supports a feature called “Gamification” that lets you collect […]