Belgian Horse


The Belgian or Belgian Draft, French: Trait belge, Dutch: Belgisch Trekpaard, is a Belgian breed of draft horse. It originates from the Brabant region of modern Belgium, and is one of the strongest of the heavy breeds. The breed associations are the Société Royale Le Cheval de Trait Belge/ Koninklijke Maatschappij van het Belgisch Trekpaard and the Eleveurs Wallons du Cheval de Trait Belge/ Vlaamse Fokkers van het Belgisch Trekpaard.

The Horse Scanner app does provide a lot more information about the Belgian Horse breed as well as many more.

Also known as

This breed is also called Belgian, Belgian Coldblood, Belgian Draft, Belgian Draft Horse, Belgian Draught, Belgian Heavy Draft, Belgian Heavy Draft Horse, Belgian Heavy Horse, Belgian Horse, Belgian Sport Horse, Belgian Stallion, Belgisch Trekpaard, Belgium Sporthorse, Brabander, Brabant, Brabants Trekpaard, Brabançon, Cheval de trait belge as well as Trait Belge.

Is your horse a Belgian Horse?

You can use our Horse Scanner app to find out whether your horse is a Belgian Horse.