South German Coldblood


The South German Coldblood (German: Süddeutsches Kaltblut) is a breed of draught horse from southern Germany. It is distributed mainly in Bavaria. It is the most numerous of the four principal German draught horse breeds – the others being the Black Forest Horse, the Rhenish German Coldblood and the Schleswig Coldblood – and is the only one not listed as endangered by the FAO or by the Gesellschaft zur Erhaltung alter und gefährdeter Haustierrassen, the German national association for the conservation of historic and endangered domestic animal breeds.

The Horse Scanner app does provide a lot more information about the South German Coldblood breed as well as many more.

Also known as

This breed is also called Baden / South German Coldblood, Oberlander Horse / South German Coldblood, South German Cold Blood, South German Coldblood, South German Draft Horse as well as Süddeutsches Kaltblut.

Is your horse a South German Coldblood?

You can use our Horse Scanner app to find out whether your horse is a South German Coldblood.