Exotic Longhair


An Exotic Longhair is the offspring of an Exotic Shorthair, but with long hair. Because of the regular use of Persian as outcrosses, some Exotics may carry a copy of the recessive longhair gene. When two such cats mate, there is a 1 in 4 chance of each offspring being longhaired. Longhaired Exotics are not considered Persians by the Cat Fanciers' Association, although The International Cat Association accepts them as Persians. Other associations like the American Cat Fanciers Association register them as a separate Exotic Longhair breed.

The Cat Scanner app does provide a lot more information about the Exotic Longhair breed as well as many more.

Also known as

This breed is also called Exotic Longhair.

Is your cat a Exotic Longhair?

You can use our Cat Scanner app to find out whether your cat is a Exotic Longhair.