

The Hamiltonstövare is a breed of dog, bred as a hunting hound. The breed was developed in Sweden by the founder of the Swedish Kennel Club, Count Adolf Hamilton. Its ancestry includes several German hounds as well as English Foxhounds and Harriers. The breed is known by the white blaze on the head, down the neck, four white paws, and a white tail tip. It differs from an English Foxhound in that its frame is lighter.

The Dog Scanner app does provide a lot more information about the Hamiltonstövare breed as well as many more.

Also known as

This breed is also called Hamilton, Hamilton Hound, Hamiltonstoevare, Hamiltonstovare, Hamiltonstövare as well as Swedish Foxhound.

Is your dog a Hamiltonstövare?

You can use our Dog Scanner app to find out whether your dog is a Hamiltonstövare.