Lakeland Terrier


The Lakeland Terrier is a dog breed, which takes its name from its place of origin, the Lake District in England. The dog is a small to mid-size member of the Terrier family. While independent in personality, it interacts well with owners and all family members, and is mostly hypo-allergenic (non shedding). In the United Kingdom, the Lakeland Terrier is considered a vulnerable dog breed at risk of going extinct through low levels of breeding, according to The Kennel Club. And in the United States in 2018 the Lakeland Terrier ranked 147 out of 193 breeds by number of American Kennel Club puppy registrations.

The Dog Scanner app does provide a lot more information about the Lakeland Terrier breed as well as many more.

Also known as

This breed is also called Lakeland Terrier.

Is your dog a Lakeland Terrier?

You can use our Dog Scanner app to find out whether your dog is a Lakeland Terrier.