Norwich Terrier


The Norwich Terrier is a breed of dog originating in the United Kingdom, and was bred to hunt small rodents. With a friendly personality, Norwich Terriers are today mostly a companion dog breed. One of the smallest terriers, these dogs are generally healthy, but are relatively rare, due in part to their low litter size and the common need for caesarian sections. Their drop-eared variety is the Norfolk Terrier. Recognized as the "official breed of England" in 1932, Norwich Terriers have been delighting owners around the world as a hardworking, loyal companion dogs for nearly a century.

The Dog Scanner app does provide a lot more information about the Norwich Terrier breed as well as many more.

Also known as

This breed is also called Jones Terrier as well as Norwich Terrier.

Is your dog a Norwich Terrier?

You can use our Dog Scanner app to find out whether your dog is a Norwich Terrier.