Visión general de todas las razas de caballos

La base de datos de nuestra aplicación "Escáner de Caballos" proporciona información útil e interesante sobre las razas de caballos individuales. Incluso puedes usar la aplicación para determinar automáticamente la raza de tu caballo.

Abaco Barb

The Abaco Barb or Abaco Spanish Colonial Horse was a breed or population of feral horses on the island of Great Abaco, in the Bahamas.


The Abyssinian is a small horse breed bred in Ethiopia.


The Aegidienberger is a small gaited riding horse from Germany.

Ainos Pony

The Ainos Pony is a wild horse breed originating in Greece.


El caballo Akhal-Teke es una raza de caballo relacionada con el extinto caballo turcomano, el que se cría en la actualidad en Rusia y en Turkmenistán.

Albanian Horse

The Albanian (Albanian: Kali Shqiptar) is the only indigenous horse breed in Albania.

Alter Real

El Alter Real es una raza de caballo originaria de Portugal.

American Cream Draft

El American Cream Draft (caballo de tiro americano de color crema) es una raza rara de caballos de tiro, la única de estas razas desarrollada en Estados Unidos y que todavía existe.

American Drum Horse

The American Drum Horse is a modern American breed of heavy horse of draft type.

American Indian Horse

The American Indian Horse is defined by its breed registry as a horse that may carry the ancestry of the Spanish Barb, Arabian, Mustang, or "Foundation" Appaloosa.

American Miniature Horse

American Miniature Horse - also called Miniature Horse - is a horse breed from the USA.

American Shetland Pony

The American Shetland Pony is an American breed of pony.

American Walking Pony

The American Walking Pony is a modern American breed of gaited riding pony.

American Warmblood

The American Warmblood is a horse of warmblood type, intended primarily for the traditional sport horse disciplines of dressage, show jumping, eventing and combined driving.


The Anadolu Pony is a Turkish breed of horse developed over 1,000 years ago.

Andravida Horse

The Andravida or Eleia Horse is a light draft breed found in the region of Ilia in Greece.


The Anglo-Arabian or Anglo-Arab is a crossbred, part-Arabian horse that now also has its own status as a horse breed.

Anglo-Norman Horse

The Anglo-Norman horse is a warmblood horse breed developed in Lower Normandy in northern France.

Appaloosa Sport Horse

The Appaloosa Sport Horse was a relatively young horse breed, born out of the growing popularity of dressage and show jumping in US equestrian circles.


El AraAppaloosa es una raza de caballo formada por el cruce del caballo árabe con el caballo Appaloosa.


The Arabian-Berber is a horse breed that was created about 1000 years ago by crossing Arabs or thoroughbred Arabs and Berbers.


The Arabian-Frisian is a sport horse breed bred on the basis ofthe Frisian.


From the Arabian-Haflinger cross between Arabians and Haflingers (mostly Arabian stallion and Haflinger mare), which appeared around 1960, the Arabian-Haflinger horse breed developed in Austria.


Ardenner o Ardennais, es una de las razas más antiguas de caballos de tiro, y se origina en la zona de las Ardenas, Bélgica, Luxemburgo y Francia.


The Arenberg-Nordkirchen, German: 'Arenberg-Nordkirchner', is a breed of small riding horse from north-west Germany.


The Arravani is a gaited horse breed from the Greek Peloponnese.


El asturcón o poni asturiano es una raza de caballo rústico y de pequeño tamaño de origen asturiano.

Australian Pony

The Australian Pony is a breed of pony that developed in Australia.

Australian Riding Pony

The Australian Riding Pony is a breed of pony developed in Australia since the 1970s.

Australian Stock Horse

The Australian Stock Horse (or Stockhorse), has been especially bred for Australian conditions.

Australian Warmblood

The Australian Warmblood is an Australian horse breed.

Austrian Warmblood

An Austrian Warmblood is a warmblood type of horse registered with the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Warmblutzucht in Österreich (Association of Warmblood Breeding in Austria (AWÖ)).


The Auxois is a horse breed from eastern France.


Baden-Baden (foaled 1874 in Kentucky) was an American Thoroughbred racehorse best known for winning the 1877 Kentucky Derby.

Baise Horse

The Baise horse (also known as the Guangxi) is a pony-sized horse breed native to the autonomous region of Guangxi, in southeastern China.

Baluchi Horse

The Baluchi horse is a breed of horse native to the Baluchistan, Sindh and Punjab Provinces in Pakistan.


The Bardigiano is a breed of small horse from the Emilia Romagna region of Italy.

Bashkir Horse

The Bashkir is the horse breed of the Bashkir people.

Basuto Pony

The Basuto is a pony breed from Lesotho and South Africa.

Batak Pony

The Batak pony, also called the Deli pony is a pony breed from Indonesia.

Bavarian Warmblood

The Bavarian Warmblood is a horse breed of southern Germany that developed from an older Bavarian heavy warmblood breed called the Rottaler.

Belgian Horse

The Belgian or Belgian Draft, French: Trait belge, Dutch: Belgisch Trekpaard, is a Belgian breed of draft horse.

Belgian Riding Pony

The Belgian Saddle Pony (Dutch: Belgische Rijpony, abbreviated BRP) is a breed of sport ponies, native to Belgium.

Belgian Warmblood

The Belgian Warmblood, Dutch: Belgisch Warmbloedpaard, is a Belgian breed of warmblood sport horse.

Bhutia Horse

The Bhutia Horse is a breed of small mountain horse from Sikkim and the district of Darjeeling in northern India.

Black Forest Horse

The Black Forest Horse, German: Schwarzwälder Kaltblut, is an endangered German breed of light draft horse from the Black Forest of southern Germany.:444


The Boerperd is a modern breed of horse from South Africa.

Bosnian Mountain Horse

The Bosnian Mountain Horse (Bosnian: Bosanski brdski konj / Босански брдски коњ) is the only indigenous breed of domestic horse in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where it constitutes about 70% of the horse population.

Boulonnais Horse

The Boulonnais, also known as the "White Marble Horse", is a draft horse breed.


The Brandenburger is a warmblood horse breed originating in Germany.

British Spotted Pony

The British Spotted is a small pony breed originating in England.


Un brumby (pl.brumbies) es un caballo cimarrón que vive mayormente en estado salvaje en Australia.


Buckskin is a hair coat color of horses, referring to a color that resembles certain shades of tanned deerskin.

Budyonny Horse

The Budyonny is a breed of horse from Russia.


Un burdégano es el animal híbrido resultante del cruce entre un caballo (Equus ferus caballus) y una burra (Equus africanus asinus).


The Burguete horse (Spanish: Caballo Burguete or Caballo de Raza Burguete, Basque: Aurizko zaldia) is a breed of horse from the Navarre region of northern Spain.

Byelorussian Harness Horse

The Belarus Harness Horse, Belarusian: Беларускі запражны конь, romanized: Bielaruski zapražny koń, is a Belarusian breed of draught horse.

Caballo Altái

El caballo Altái (en ruso Altáiskaya) es una raza de caballos desarrollada en el macizo montañoso del Altái situado en la zona central de Asia.

Caballo Appaloosa

Apalusa o Appaloosa es una raza de caballo criado según las normas de una asociación fundada en Idaho (Estados Unidos) en 1938, Appaloosa Horse Club.

Caballo Azteca

El caballo Azteca es una raza equina mexicana obtenida por la combinación de tres diferentes linajes, incluidos el caballo ibérico de sangre, especialmente de Andalucía y el caballo lusitano, el "American Quarter" (cuarto de Milla) y el caballo criollo de sangre[1]​.

Caballo Don

En los siglos XVIII y XIX los criadores rusos de la región del Don emprendieron la tarea de dar nacimiento a una raza de caballos destinados a las labores bélicas.

Caballo Falabella

El caballo Falabella es una raza de caballos miniatura, más pequeña que los ponis, resultado de cruces intencionados entre diversas razas de ponis, entre las que se encuentran el poni de las Shetland, razas criollas y Pura Sangre.

Caballo Pinto

El Caballo Pinto es una raza de caballo que proviene del caballo árabe.

Caballo Polo Argentino

El Caballo de Polo Argentino es una raza de caballo desarrollada en Argentina para la práctica del polo

Caballo Tennessee Walking

El caballo Tennessee Walking o también conocido como Caballo de Paso de Tennessee es un tipo de caballo que surgió en el sur de Estados Unidos de América y es reconocido como la raza ideal de caballos para realizar cualquier tipo de trabajo, estando en las pequeñas granjas y los extensos sembradíos, hasta halando los arados, llevar a los niños a la escuela y trasladar a las familias a las iglesias.[1]​ El paso por el que el caballo es conocido le da comodidad a la silla y por tanto al jinete.

Caballo andaluz

El caballo andaluz es una raza de caballo española originaria de Andalucía.

Caballo bereber

El caballo bereber o berberisco es una raza de caballo existente en Berbería (Magreb) desde hace siglos.

Caballo bretón

El caballo bretón es una raza de caballo de tiro.

Caballo cartujano

El caballo cartujano es una línea de cría del caballo andaluz cuyo nombre proviene de la Cartuja de la Defensión de la ciudad española de Jerez de la Frontera.

Caballo chileno

El caballo chileno, también conocido como corralero,[1]​ es una raza de caballo presente en las zonas rurales y,[2]​ actualmente, también en las zonas urbanas de Chile debido al auge que ha tenido la crianza, tenencia y práctica de deportes ecuestres —tales como la rienda, el rodeo, y los paseos— en las regiones del centro y del sur de este país.[3]​ Hay criaderos y clubes federados funcionando desde Arica hasta Punta Arenas y,[4]​ además, se ha sumado una asociación de criadores de caballos chilenos en Brasil,[5]​ donde son muy apreciados por su aporte funcional para la rienda y otros deportes,[6]​ siendo los primeros lugares en competencias como el Freno de Oro para caballos chilenos o descendientes de chilenos.[7]​ Presenta una musculatura especializada para la velocidad en tramos cortos y una adaptación para una vida en áreas montañosas.[8]​ Sus cascos son fuertes y su doble capa de pelo, larga en invierno y corta y lustrosa en verano, lo hace muy adaptable tanto a climas fríos como a cálidos y secos.[9]​ Es utilizado para diversas actividades ganaderas como para arrear ganado.[10]​ Debido a su mediana alzada es especial para la práctica del rodeo chileno.[11]​ Durante el primer gobierno del presidente Sebastián Piñera Echenique fue declarado monumento natural chileno.[12]​[13]​

Caballo criollo

Por caballo criollo se conoce a una raza equina que se distribuye por toda América del Sur, en América Central y América del Norte.

Caballo de Heck

El caballo de Heck o caballo de los Heck es una raza del caballo doméstico lograda por selección artificial realizada en Alemania en la década de 1930 con el objetivo de recrear a la forma salvaje de la cual se originaron las actuales razas de caballos domésticos de Europa, es decir, al extinto tarpán (Equus ferus ferus).[1]​[2]​[3]​

Caballo de Merens

El caballo de Merens es una raza de caballo oriunda de España y Francia, el Pirineo Oriental que coincide con el departamento francés del Ariege, Andorra, la Cerdaña, reconocida como tal desde el 1 de enero de 1998 por el Registro de Referencia Internacional.

Caballo de las retuertas

El caballo de las retuertas es una raza equina española, originaria de Huelva y más concretamente de la Reserva Biológica de Doñana, que pertenece al Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).

Caballo de los Outer Banks

El caballo de los Outer Banks es una raza de caballo doméstico feral que vive en las islas de los Outer Banks de Carolina del Norte (Estados Unidos).

Caballo de pura raza gallega

Caballo de Pura Raza Gallega (PRG) (en gallego, Cabalo de Pura Raza Galega) es la denominación que recibe oficialmente[1]​[2]​ un subtipo de raza de caballos Equus caballus de pequeño tamaño, reconocida como la única raza equina autóctona de Galicia (España).

Caballo de silla manchada

El caballo de Silla Manchada es una raza de caballo originaria de los Estados Unidos, se deriva del cruce entre ponis de caballo pío de raza española con caballos ambladores, como el caballo Tennessee Walker.

Caballo finlandés

El caballo finlandés (en finés: Suomenhevonen, literalmente ‘caballo de Finlandia’, apodado Suokki; en sueco: Finskt kallblod, literalmente ‘sangre-fría finlandés’), también conocido como Finnhorse, es una raza de caballo con características e influencias tanto de caballo de silla como de caballo de tiro, y es la única raza caballar totalmente desarrollada en Finlandia.

Caballo garrano

El caballo garrano es un raza de caballos pequeña de origen ibérico, autóctona de las montañas del norte de la península ibérica, de color castaño, largas y abundantes crines, con orejas y extremidades pequeñas pero muy resistentes, con una alzada entre 120 y 145 cm y entre 150 y 190 kg de peso, lo que lo hace idóneo para tareas agrícolas y de carga.

Caballo hannoveriano

El caballo hannoveriano, de sangre templada, es originario de Hannover, Alemania y en la actualidad es una de las razas de warmbloods más populares en todo el mundo.

Caballo islandés

El caballo islandés es una raza de caballo que se desarrolló en Islandia.

Caballo losino

El caballo losino, también conocido como jaca burgalesa o poni losino, es la única raza equina autóctona de Castilla y León.

Caballo lusitano

El caballo lusitano es una raza equina de origen portugués cuyo nombre deriva de Lusitania.

Caballo mallorquín

El caballo mallorquín es una raza de caballo propia de la isla de Mallorca.

Caballo menorquín

El caballo menorquín es una raza de caballo propia de Menorca.

Caballo miniatura

Los caballos miniatura son un tipo de caballos que se encuentran en numerosos países, principalmente en Europa y América.

Caballo mongol

El caballo mongol (Mongol: Адуу "aduu") es una raza de caballo nativa de Mongolia.[1]​ La raza parece no haber sufrido cambios desde la época de Genghis Khan.

Caballo palomino

El palomino es una capa equina de color ocre dorado con las crines y cola de color blanco argénteo, característica de las razas americanas.[cita requerida] El manto dorado con crines y cola blancas es una herencia que procede del caballo español, que también está presente esporádicamente en el caballo cuarto de milla y el Saddlebred.[1]​ El gen crema es el que ocasiona esta capa.

Caballo peruano de paso

El caballo peruano de paso es una raza equina oriunda del Perú, descendiente de los caballos introducidos durante la Conquista y los primeros tiempos del Virreinato.

Caballo pío

Los caballos con capa pío, son los que tienen manchas blancas de distinto tamaño por todo su cuerpo.

Caballo ruano

Los pelajes ruanos (o roanos) tienen pelos blancos en el cuerpo distribuidos de forma uniforme entre pelos pardos o negros.

Caballo árabe

El caballo de raza árabe (حصان عربي) debe su reputación a su inteligencia, carácter fuerte y resistencia sobresaliente.

Calabrese Horse

The Calabrese is a breed of horse originating from Italy, generally used for riding.


Camargue es una raza equina.

Camarillo White Horse

The Camarillo White Horse is a rare horse breed less than 100 years old known for its pure white color.


The Campeiro is a breed of small horse from Brazil.


The Campolina horse breed of Brazil is named after Cassiano Campolina, the farmer who developed the breed.

Canadian Horse

The Canadian horse (French: cheval Canadien) is a horse breed from Canada.

Canadian Sport Horse

The Canadian Sport Horse was mainly used by Canadian farmers.


Canik is one of the main municipalities in Samsun, Turkey, located at the east of the city center.

Carolina Marsh Tacky

The Carolina Marsh Tacky or Marsh Tacky is a rare breed of horse, native to South Carolina.

Caspian Horse

The Caspian is a small horse breed native to Northern Iran.


The Castillonais or Cheval Ariègeois de Castillon , also formerly called Cheval du Biros or Saint-Gironnais, is an ancient breed of small rustic saddle-horse from the Ariège département of south-western France.

Cayuse Horse

Cayuse is an archaic term used in the American West, originally referring to a small landrace horse, often noted for unruly temperament.

Cheju Pony

The Jeju horse(제주마, Jejuma) is a horse breed native to the Jeju Island in South Korea.

Chincoteague Pony

The Chincoteague pony, also known as the Assateague horse, is a breed of horse that developed and lives in a feral condition on Assateague Island in the states of Virginia and Maryland in the United States.

Cleveland Bay

Cleveland Bay es una raza de caballos de tiro ligero desarrollada en el distrito de Cleveland del condado de Yorkshire (Inglaterra).[1]​[2]​

Clydesdale Horse

The Clydesdale is a Scottish breed of draught horse.

Colonial Spanish Horse

Colonial Spanish horse is a term popularized by D.

Colorado Ranger

The Colorado Ranger is a horse breed from the Colorado High Plains in the United States.

Comtois Horse

The Comtois horse is a draft horse that originated in the Jura Mountains on the border between France and Switzerland.

Connemara Pony

The Connemara Pony (Irish: Capaillín Chonamara) is a pony breed originating in Ireland.

Corsican Horse

The Corsican (Corsican: U Cavallu Corsu or u paganacciu, French: Cheval corse) is a breed of small domestic horse indigenous to the Mediterranean island of Corsica, off the coast of south-eastern France.

Croatian Coldblood

The Croatian Coldblood (Croatian: Hrvatski hladnokrvnjak, German: Kroatisches Kaltblut) is an autochthonous medium-heavy horse breed of draught horse originating from Croatia.

Cuarto de Milla

El Cuarto de Milla o Quarter Horse es una raza caballo de caballería ligera desarrollada en los Estados Unidos a partir del Purasangre, el Morgan, el Saddlebred estadounidense y otros rocines, para ser un caballo de carreras de 402 metros.

Curly Horse

A Curly is a breed of horse.

Czech Warmblood

The Czech Warmblood, Czech: 'Český teplokrevník', is the warmblood sport horse of the Czech Republic.

Dales Pony

The Dales pony is one of the United Kingdom's native mountain and moorland pony breeds.


The Azerbaijan horse (Azerbaijani: Azərbaycan atı) is a mountain-steppe racing and riding horse.

Danish Sport Pony

The Danish Sport Pony is a breed of riding pony.

Danish Warmblood

The Danish Warmblood (Dansk Varmblod) is the modern sport horse breed of Denmark.

Danube Delta Horse

The Danube Delta horses are a population of feral horses in Romania.

Dartmoor Pony

The Dartmoor Pony is breed of pony that lives on Dartmoor England.


The Davertnickel was a wild living house-horse-breed, that got extinct since the beginning of the 19.


The Deliboz (Azeri: Diliboz atı) is an Azerbaijani breed of light riding horse.

Dillenburger Ramsnase

The horse breed known as Dillenburger Ramsnase goes back to a breeding based on Holstein and Danish mares with Spanish, Neapolitan and Oriental stallions, which was initiated by the court stud of the Dillenburg Counts as early as the 16th century.


The Dombes half-breed (French demi-sang de la Dombes, also known as cheval de Bresse or demi-sang de l'Ain) is an extinct French horse breed from the historic regions of Dombes and Bresse in what is now the department of Ain.


Dongola, nombre que actualmente recibe una ciudad de Sudán capital de la wilaya de Ash Shamaliyah ("el norte").


The Dosanko (道産子), also known as the Hokkaido Horse (北海道馬, Hokkaidō uma) and Hokkaido Pony (北海ポニー, Hokkaidō ponī), is one of the eight extant indigenous horse breeds of Japan, and the only one of the eight not critically endangered.

Dutch Draft

The Dutch Draft, Dutch: 'Nederlands Trekpaard', is a Dutch breed of heavy draft horse.

Dutch Harness Horse

The Dutch Harness Horse, or Tuigpaard, is a warmblood breed of fine driving horse that has been developed in the Netherlands since the end of World War II.

Dutch Warmblood

A Dutch Warmblood is a warmblood type of horse registered with the Koninklijk Warmbloed Paardenstamboek Nederland (Royal Warmblood Studbook of the Netherlands (KWPN), which governs the breeding of competitive dressage and show jumping horses, as well as the show harness horse and Gelderlander, and a hunter studbook in North America.Developed through a breeding program that began in the 1960s, the Dutch are some of the most successful competition horses developed in postwar Europe.


The Dole Gudbrandsdal, Dølahest or Dole is a draft- and harness-type horse from Norway.

Dülmen pony

The Dülmen is the only native pony breed in Germany, now that the Senner pony of the Teutoburg Forest is extinct.

East Bulgarian

The East Bulgarian is a Bulgarian breed of warmblood horse.


The Edelbluthaflinger originated in the 1960s from Haflingers, which were refined by increasing the proportion of Arab blood in order to obtain a modern, versatile small horse.


The Emscherbrücher or Emscherbrücher Dickkopp was a wild living house-horse-breed in Germany.

Equus africanus asinus

El burro, asno, jumento o borrico (Equus africanus asinus)[1]​[2]​ es un animal doméstico de la familia de los équidos.

Equus ferus ferus

El tarpán (Equus ferus ferus), también conocido como caballo salvaje euroasiático, es una subespecie extinta de caballo salvaje incluida en la especie Equus ferus a la que también pertenecen tanto los caballos domésticos (Equus ferus caballus) —del cual el tarpán es su antepasado salvaje— como el caballo salvaje de Przewalski (Equus ferus przewalskii).

Equus ferus przewalskii

El caballo de Przewalski, caballo salvaje mongol, tarpan o takhi (Equus ferus przewalskii)[2]​[3]​ es una variedad de caballo asilvestrada, descendiente de los primeros caballos domesticados por la cultura de Botai 3.500 a.C. [4]​.

Eriskay Pony

The Eriskay Pony (Scottish Gaelic: Each Beag nan Eilean or Each Èirisgeach) is a breed of pony from Scotland.

Estonian Horse

Estonian horse (Estonian: eesti hobune), also known as the Estonian native, the Estonian Klepper, or natively the Eesti hobune, is a relatively small horse breed originating in Estonia.

Ethiopian Horses

Ethiopian horses are those breeds or types of horse found in Ethiopia, formerly known as Abyssinia.

European Appaloosa Pony

The European Appaloosa Pony is a horse breed whose breeding is operated by the ECHA-ESV.

Exmoor Pony

The Exmoor pony is a horse breed native to the British Isles, where some still roam as semi-feral livestock on Exmoor, a large area of moorland in Devon and Somerset in southwest England.

Faroe Pony

The Faroe pony, Faeroes pony, or Faroese horse, (Føroyska rossið in Faroese) is a small pony, with a height between 11.1 to 12.1 hands (45 to 49 inches, 114 to 124 cm).

Fell Pony

The Fell Pony is a versatile, working breed of mountain and moorland pony originating in the north of England in Cumberland and Westmorland (now Cumbria) and Northumberland.

Fjord Horse

The Fjord horse or Norwegian Fjord Horse (Norwegian: fjordhest) is a relatively small but very strong horse breed from the mountainous regions of western Norway.


The Fleuve is a breed of horse from Senegal, in West Africa.

Florida Cracker Horse

The Florida Cracker Horse is a breed of horse from the state of Florida in the United States.


The Foutanké or Fouta is a breed or type of light horse from Senegal, in West Africa.

Francés de silla

Francés de silla también llamado Silla francés es una raza equina proveniente de Francia.


The Frederiksborger is Denmark's oldest horse breed.


The Freiberger, also known as Franches-Montagnes, is a horse breed from Switzerland, from the Jura region, described as either a "heavy warmblood" or a "light coldblood".

French Saddle Pony

The French Saddle Pony, also called the Poney Français de Selle, is pony breed developed as a sport pony for children and smaller adult riders.

French Trotter

The French Trotter is a French breed of trotting horse bred for racing both ridden and in harness.:132 It was bred specifically for racing in the nineteenth century, principally in Normandy in north-western France.


El frisón (en holandés fries, en inglés frisian o friesian) es una raza de caballo procedente de la región de Frisia de los Países Bajos.

Furioso-North Star

The Furioso-North Star is a horse breed developed in Hungary at the Mezőhegyes stud farm.


The Galiceno is a horse breed developed in Mexico, bred from horses brought from Spain by Hernán Cortés and other conquistadors.


The Galloway pony is an extinct horse breed, once native to Scotland and northern England.

Gelderland Horse

The Gelderland, or Gelderlander, is a heavy warmblood breed of horse that was developed in the province of Gelderland in the Netherlands.

Genêt d'Espagne

Genet d'Espagne es una raza de caballo usualmente utilizada como palafrén o haquenée en la Edad Media, cuando tenía gran reputación.

German Classic Pony

The German Classic Pony or German: Deutsches Classic-Pony is a modern German breed of riding pony.

German Part-Bred Shetland Pony

The German Part-Bred Shetland Pony is descended from the Shetland pony and has been kept in a separate stud book since 1999.

German Riding Horse

The name German Riding Horse doesn't stand for an own horse breed but is rather a generic term for warmblood-horses bred in Germany.

German Riding Pony

The Deutsche Reitpony or German Riding Pony is a very popular pony breed in Germany.

German Warmblood

German Warmblood may refer generally to any of the various warmblood horses of Germany, or more specifically to a warmblood registered with the nationwide German Horse Breeding Society (ZfDP).

Giara Horse

The Giara horse (Sardinian: Cuaddeddu de sa Jara, Italian: Cavallino della Giara) is a horse breed native to the island of Sardinia.


The Gidran, Gidrán, or Hungarian Anglo-Arab is a horse breed developed in Hungary from bloodstock that included the Arabian horse.

Gotland Pony

Gotland pony or Gotland russ is an old Swedish pony breed.

Grade Horse

A grade horse is a horse whose parentage is unknown, unidentifiable, or of significantly mixed breeding.

Groningen Horse

The Groningen Horse is a Dutch horse breed developed for light draft and agricultural work.


The Guoxia is breed of small horse from the counties of Debao, Jingxi and Tianyang in the prefecture of Baise, in the western part of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, in southern China.

Gypsy Horse

The Gypsy Cob, also known as the Traditional Gypsy cob, Irish Cob, Gypsy Horse or Gypsy Vanner, is a type or breed of domestic horse from the islands Great Britain and Ireland.


Hack within the activity of equestrianism commonly refers to one of two things: as a verb, it describes the act of pleasure riding for light exercise, and as a breed (Hackney/hack), it is a type of horse used for riding and pulling carriages.

Hackney Horse

The Hackney is a recognized breed of horse that was developed in Great Britain.


La raza Haflinger o Avelignese es una raza de caballos desarrollada a finales del siglo XIX en el Tirol (Austria e Italia actuales).

Heavy Warmblood

The heavy warmbloods (German: Schwere Warmblüter) are a group of horse breeds primarily from continental Europe.

Hequ Horse

The Hequ horse, previously called the Nanfan, is a horse breed native to the northwestern Tibetan plateau.

Hessian Warmblood

The Hessian Warmblood is a warmblood horse breed that was bred until 2009 and has since then been completely absorbed into the Hanoverian Horse Breeding Association.


Hickstead (March 2, 1996 – November 6, 2011) was a stallion ridden by Canadian Eric Lamaze.

Highland Pony

The Highland Pony is a native Scottish pony, and is one of the largest of the mountain and moorland pony breeds of the British Isles.


The Hınıs (pronounced [hɯnɯs], in Turkish: Hınıs'ın kolu kısası, literally "the short-legged Hınıs" or Kolu Kisa, "short-legged"), is a breed of saddle horse presumed extinct or very rare, originating from the region of Hınıs in northeastern Anatolia, Turkey, to which it owes its name.


The Hispano-Árabe is a Spanish horse breed originating from the cross-breeding of Arab and Andalusian horses.


La raza de caballos Holsteiner es originaria de Schleswig-Holstein en el norte de Alemania.

Hucul Pony

The Hucul or Carpathian is a pony or small horse breed originally from the Carpathian Mountains.

Hungarian Sport Horse

The Hungarian Sport Horse, Hungarian: 'Magyar sportló', is a modern Hungarian breed of sporting horse.

Indian Half-Bred

The Indian Half-bred is a horse type from the subcontinent of India.

Irish Draught

The Irish Draught horse is the national horse breed of Ireland which developed primarily for farm use.

Irish Sport Horse

The Irish Sport Horse, or Irish Hunter, is an Irish breed of warmblood sporting horse, used mostly for dressage, eventing and show-jumping.

Italian Heavy Draft

The Italian Heavy Draft, or Rapid Heavy Draft, is a breed of draft horse from Italy.

Java Pony

The Java pony is a breed of pony developed on the island of Java in Indonesia.


El caballo Jomud o Yomud es una raza de caballo de silla de Turkmenistán, procedente del antiguo y extinto caballo turcomano.

Jutland Horse

The Jutland horse (Danish: Den jyske hest) is a draft horse breed originating in Denmark, named after the Jutland Peninsula which forms the western part of the country.

Kabarda Horse

The Kabarda or Kabardin horse is a breed from the Caucasus, currently part of the Kabardino-Balkaria region of Russia.


The Karabair, (Uzbek: Qorabayir, Kazakh: Qarabaıyr; Tajik: қаробоҳирӣ, Ķaroboḩirī; Russian: Карабаирская), is a long-established horse breed from Central Asia, and particularly from Uzbekistan and northern Tajikistan.:290 It results from the cross-breeding of desert horses of Arabian or Turkmene type from the south with steppe horses from the north.

Karabakh Horse

The Karabakh (Azerbaijani: Qarabağ atı), also known as the Karabai or Karabakhskaya in Russian, is a mountain-steppe racing and riding horse.


The Karacabeyer is a horse breed from Turkey.


The Karachay (Karach.-Balk. Къарачай ат) is a horse breed developed in the Northern Caucasus.

Kathiawari Horse

thumb The Kathiawari or Kathiawadi (Gujarati: કાઠીયાવાડી) is a breed of horse from the Kathiawar peninsula in western India.

Kazakh Horse

The Kazakh (Kazakh: Qazaq) is a horse breed of the Kazakh people, who live mainly in Kazakhstan, but also in parts of China, Mongolia, Russia and Uzbekistan.

Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horse

The Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horse is a horse breed from the U.S.

Kerry Bog Pony

The Kerry Bog Pony is a mountain and moorland breed of pony that originated in Ireland.

Kiger Mustang

The Kiger mustang is a strain of mustang horse located in the southeastern part of the U.S.

Kinsky Horse

The Kinsky Horse is a Czech breed of warmblood sport horse.


Kisber (1873–1895) was a Hungarian-bred Thoroughbred racehorse and sire.


The Kiso or Kiso Horse (Japanese: 木曽馬, kiso uma) is one of the eight indigenous horse breeds of Japan.


The Kladruber (Czech Starokladrubský kůň) is the oldest Czech horse breed and one of the world's oldest horse breeds.


The Knabstrupper, also called Knabstrup horse, is a Danish breed of horse with an unusual range of coat coloration.


La konik es una raza de caballo doméstico originaria de Polonia.


The Kushum (Other names: Kushumskaya (Russian), West Kazakh Saddle-Draft (English)) is a horse breed newly bred between 1931 and 1976 from Kazakhstan.

Kustanai Horse

The Kustanair (Kazakh: Qostanaı) is a breed of horse developed in Kazakhstan in the former U.S.S.R.

Kyrgyz Horse

The Kyrgyz Horse or Kirgiz Horse is a traditional breed of small horse from the Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan).

Landais Pony

The Landais is a critically-endangered French breed of small horse or pony.

Latvian Coldblood

The Latvian Coldblood (Latvian: Latvijas ardenis 'Latvian Ardennes') is a medium-heavy coldblood horse of the Swedish Ardennes type.

Latvian Horse

The Latvian Horse (Latvian: Latvijas šķirne or Latvijas zirgi) is a purpose-bred warmblood horse breed from Latvia.

Lehmkuhlener Pony

The Lehmkuhlener Pony is a rare pony breed from Schleswig-Holstein in Germany.


The Leutstettener Horse (also Sárvár horse) is a rather rare horse breed today (about 50 specimens), which was bred until 2006, especially at the Leutstetten stud farm in Bavaria (Germany).


The Lewitzer is a pony breed from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.


The Liebenthaler horse (also called Liebenthaler Wild Horse, Liebenthaler Wildling or simply Liebenthaler) was created in 1960 as a forest tarpan re-breeding project from a crossing of fjord horses and coniks.


Durante cuatro siglos se ha formado y consolidado el caballo de raza lipizzana, que se originó en la dura tierra del Carso, en Lipica —pronunciado Lipitza—, Eslovenia.

Lithuanian Heavy Draught

The Lithuanian Heavy Draught is a draught horse breed created in Lithuania during the 19th and 20th centuries.


The Lokai, a mountain horse bred in Tajikistan, is used as a riding horse, a packhorse, or even sometimes a light draft horse.

Lundy Pony

The Lundy Pony is a breed of pony first developed on Lundy Island in England.

Luxembourg Warmblood

The Luxembourg Warmblood or French: Cheval de Selle Luxembourgeois is a Luxembourgeois breed of warmblood sport horse.


The M'Bayar is a breed of small horse from the historic region of Baol in Senegal, in West Africa.


The Malakan is the only breed of draft horses in Turkey.


The Malopolski (Polish: koń małopolski) is a Polish horse breed developed in the 19th century in Lesser Poland, Polish Małopolska, hence the name.


The Mangalarga is a horse breed that was originally developed in Brazil by Francisco Gabriel Junqueira, the Baron of Alfenas, when he began breeding Royal Alter stallions from Portugal with local colonial mares on his lands in Baependi County at Minas Gerais State.

Mangalarga Marchador

The Mangalarga Marchador is a Brazilian breed of riding horse.


The Maremmano is a breed of horse originating in the Maremma area of Tuscany and northern Lazio in Italy.


El caballo Marwari es una raza de caballo de la región histórica de Marwar (India).


The Mecklenburger is a warmblood horse bred in the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern region of north-eastern Germany.

Messara Horse

The Messara (also known as Cretan horse) is a light riding and draft horse found on the island of Crete off the coast of Greece.

Međimurje horse

The Međimurje horse (pronounced [mɛdʑǐmuːriɛ]; Croatian: Međimurski konj, German: Murinsulaner, Hungarian: Muraközi ló, Slovene: Medžimurski konj) is an autochthonous medium-heavy horse breed of draught horse originating from Međimurje County in northernmost part of Croatia.


The Misaki (御崎馬/岬馬, Misaki uma) is a critically-endangered Japanese breed of small horse.

Missouri Fox Trotter

The Missouri Fox Trotter is a horse breed that originated in the state of Missouri in the United States.

Miyako Horse

The Miyako (宮古馬, Miyako uma) is a rare breed of horse originating from Miyako Island, in Japan.


La raza morab es una raza de caballos desarrollada a partir de las razas árabe y Morgan.


Morgan es una de las primeras razas de caballo desarrolladas en Estados Unidos.

Moyle Horse

The Moyle is a rare horse breed.


La mula[1]​ o mulo[2]​ es un animal híbrido estéril que resulta del cruce entre una yegua (Equus ferus caballus) y un burro o asno (Equus africanus asinus).


The Murgese horse originated in the Murge, Apulia area of Italy during the Spanish rule, and was developed from Barb and Arabian horses.


Los mustangs son los caballos salvajes de Norteamérica.

Mustang español

El mustang español es una raza de caballo cimarrón estadounidense (mustang) de importancia histórica, dado que desciende de los caballos introducidos desde España durante los comienzos de la Conquista de América.[1]​ Aunque a muchos les gusta indicar que este tipo de caballo criollo desciende del andaluz, la historia sugiere que es muy difícil apoyar esta hipótesis, porque los caballos de los conquistadores eran caballos de trabajo (jacas y rocines),no caballos de gran señor.

Namib Desert Horse

The Namib Desert Horse (Afrikaans: Namib Woestyn Perd) is a rare feral horse found in the Namib Desert of Namibia, Africa.


The Nangchen horse is a small breed of horse native to the Kham region of northern Tibet, thought to have been bred pure since the 9th century.

Narragansett Pacer

The Narragansett Pacer was the first horse breed developed in the United States, but is now extinct.

Neapolitan Horse

The Neapolitan Horse, Italian: (Cavallo) Napoletano, Neapolitano or Napolitano, is a horse breed that originated in the plains between Naples and Caserta, in the Campania region of Italy, but which may have been bred throughout the Kingdom of Naples.

Nederlands Mini Paarden

The Nederlands Mini Paarden is also a breed descended from the Shetland pony from the Netherlands.

New Forest Pony

The New Forest pony is one of the recognised mountain and moorland or native pony breeds of the British Isles.

Newfoundland Pony

The Newfoundland pony is a breed of pony originating in Newfoundland, Canada.

Noble Warmblood

The Noble Warmblood, also called Noble Warmblood of the GDR because of its breeding area, was a German horse breed.


The Noma (野間馬,, Noma-uma) is a critically-endangered Japanese breed of small horse.

Nonius Horse

The Nonius (Hungarian: Nóniusz) is a Hungarian horse breed named after its Anglo-Norman foundation sire.

Nooitgedacht Pony

The Nooitgedachter is a South African breed of riding horse.


The Nordlandshest/Lyngshest also known as the "Northlands horse" or "Northlands pony", is a horse breed originating in Norway.

Norfolk Trotter

The Norfolk Trotter is an extinct horse breed once native to East Anglia and Norfolk, England.


The Noriker horse, also called the Norico-Pinzgauer and historically known as the Pinzgauer horse, is a moderately heavy Austrian draught horse breed.

Norman Cob

The Norman Cob or Cob Normand is a breed of light draught horse that originated in the region of Normandy in northern France.

North American Single-Footing Horse

The North American Single-footing Horse, also called the Single-footing Horse or Single-footer, is a horse breed originating in the southern United States.

North Swedish Horse

The North Swedish Horse (Swedish: 'Nordsvensk Brukshäst') is a Swedish breed of small heavy horse.


The Oldenburg or Oldenburger is a warmblood horse from the north-western corner of Lower Saxony, what was formerly the Grand Duchy of Oldenburg.

Orlov Trotter

The Orlov Trotter (also known as Orlov; Russian: орловский рысак) is a horse breed with a hereditary fast trot, noted for its outstanding speed and stamina.


The Orlow-Rostopchiner is a horse breed from Russia.

Ostfriesen and Alt-Oldenburger

The Alt-Oldenburger and Ostfriesen are representatives of a group of horse breeds primarily from continental Europe called heavy warmbloods.

Paint horse

Los caballos American Paint o Paint horse son una raza de caballos de tipo vaquero con pelajes manchados.


El palafrén[1]​ era un tipo de caballo manso en que solían montar las damas y las señoras en las funciones públicas, como en los torneos o justas, o en las cacerías, y también en muchas ocasiones los reyes y príncipes para hacer sus entradas: «...amparar doncellas, de aquellas que andaban con sus azores y palafrenes, y con toda su virginidad a cuestas, de monte en monte y de valle en valle...» (Cervantes).

Panje Horse

The Panje Horse (from panje = Russian or Polish farmer) was used in the agriculture of Eastern Europe and was known for its hardness and unpretentiousness.


The Pantaneiro is a cattle breed from the Pantanal region of Brazil, where it has been raised for more than three hundred years.


A part-Arabian, partbred Arabian or, less precisely, half-Arabian, is a horse with documented amounts of Arabian horse breeding but not a purebred.

Paso Fino

The Paso Fino is a naturally gaited light horse breed dating back to horses imported to the Caribbean from Spain.

Paso Iberoamericano

The Paso Iberoamericano is a horse breed from Costa Rica that belongs to the gaited horses.

Peneia Pony

The Peneia Pony (Greek: αλογάκι της Πηνείας) is a rare breed of pony from the Peloponnese in southern Greece.


El caballo percherón es una raza equina empleada habitualmente para el tiro, debido a su robustez y resistencia.


The Pfalz-Ardenner is a comparatively young horse breed, which originated around 1900.

Pindos Pony

The Pindos (Greek: αλογάκι της Πίνδου) is breed of pony or small horse native to the Pindus mountain range in Thessaly and Epirus in Greece.

Pleven Horse

The Pleven breed of horse is essentially Anglo-Arabian, and the breed was officially recognized in 1951.

Poitevin Horse

The Poitevin (French pronunciation: ​[pwat(ə)vɛ̃]) or Poitou is a French breed of draft horse.

Polo Pony

A polo pony is the term used for a horse used in the game of polo.

Poney Du Logone

The Poney du Logone is a breed of small horse or pony from the area of the Logone River in Chad and Cameroon, in west central Africa.

Poni de las Shetland

El poni de las Shetland es una de las razas de poni más pequeñas que existen (90-110 altura).

Poni galés

El Poni galés (también conocido como Pony Welsh) es la raza de poni más grande de las montañas de Gales, se caracteriza por ser un poni de silla resistente, inteligente y manejable, con grandes cualidades deportivas que le hacen ser un poni habitual de los concursos.[1]​

Pony of the Americas

The Pony of the Americas is a pony breed developed in the state of Iowa in the United States.


The Posavac (Croatian; Slovene: posavec), in Croatia also known as Posavina horse or the Croatian Posavac (hrvatski posavac), is a breed of medium-sized draught horse with a high capacity for weight pulling.


Pottoka, voz del euskera que significa caballito, es el nombre con el que se conoce una raza de Equus caballus de pequeña envergadura o poni, que habitaron casi sin cambios, desde el Paleolítico y hasta la actualidad, los territorios montañosos de la cordillera Cantábrica, en la península ibérica y de los Pirineos en ambas vertientes.[1]​ Se distinguen al menos ocho razas autonómicas en este grupo cántabro-pirenaico: el garrano de Portugal, el Caballo de Pura Raza Gallega en Galicia, el asturcón en Asturias, el monchino en Cantabria, el losino en el norte de Burgos, la jaca navarra en Navarra, la Pottoka también en Navarra,el caballo de Merens en los Pirineos y el pottoka en el País Vasco.


The Priob or Ob (Russian: Приобская, Priobskaya) is an endangered Russian breed of small horse from the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, in Tyumen Oblast in the Russian Federation.


El pura sangre inglés es una raza de caballos desarrollada en el siglo XVIII en Inglaterra, cuando yeguas madres inglesas fueron cruzadas con sementales árabes, berberiscos y akhal teke importados, para crear corredores de distancia.


The Qatgani:197 or Qataghani is a horse breed from the former Qataghan province of Afghanistan.


The Quarab is a horse breed from the United States, developed from a part-Arabian cross of Arabian horses, American Quarter Horses and Paint horses.

Quarter Pony

The Quarter Pony is a breed of pony that is similar to the American Quarter Horse.


Quba is a horse breed from Azerbaijan.

Racking Horse

The Racking Horse is a horse breed derived from the Tennessee Walking Horse, recognized by the USDA in 1971.


The Rahvan is a Turkish horse breed, which has probably existed for 800 years.

Rhenish German Coldblood

The Rhenish German Coldblood, German: 'Rheinisch Deutsches Kaltblut', is a breed of heavy draught horse from the Rhineland area of western Germany.

Rhenish Warmblood

The Rhenish Warmblood, German: Rheinisches Warmblut or Rheinisches Reitpferd, is a German warmblood breed of sport horse.

Riwoche Horse

The Riwoche horse is a dun-colored, pony-sized horse indigenous to northeastern Tibet.

Rocky Mountain Horse

El Rocky Mountain Horse es una raza de caballo de las Montañas Rocosas de Estados Unidos de colores claros como el chocolate.

Romanian Sporthorse

The Romanian Sport Horse or Romanian Saddle Horse, Romanian: Cal de sport romanesc, is a Romanian breed of light riding horse.


The Rottaler Horse is a powerful warmblood-horse, that was until middle of the 20.

Russian Heavy Draft

The Russian Draft or Russian Heavy Draft (Russian: Русский тяжеловоз, Russkii Tyazhelovoz) is a Russian breed of draft horse.

Russian Trotter

The Russian Trotter is a breed of trotting horse from the Russian Federation.

Sable Island Horse

The Sable Island horse (French: Cheval Île de Sable), sometimes referred to as the Sable Island pony (French: Poney Île de Sable), is a type of small feral horse found on Sable Island, an island off the coast of Nova Scotia, Canada.

Sachsen-Anhaltiner Warmblood

Just like the Brandenburg Warmblood, the Saxon Warmblood and many other warmbloods, the Sachsen-Anhaltiner Warmblood belongs to the German sport horse nowadays and is therefore no longer bred directly.

Saddlebred americano

El saddlebred americano o silla americano o más propiamente saddlebred estadounidense o silla estadounidense es una raza de caballo que se originó en los Estados Unidos.


The Salernitano is an endangered Italian breed of horse.


The Sanhe Horse got its name from an independent city in the province of Hebei, which borders the province of Inner Mongolia.

Sardinian Anglo-Arab

The Sardinian Anglo-Arab, (Sardinian: Anglu-Arabu Sardu) Sardinian, or AAS, is a horse breed from the Mediterranean island of Sardinia, where it has been selectively bred for more than one hundred years.

Saxon-Thuringia Coldblood

The Saxon-Thuringia Coldblood is a coldblood horse breed from Germany.

Saxon-Thuringian Heavy Warmblood

The Saxon-Thuringian Heavy Warmblood is a horse breed from the breeding areas Saxony and Thuringia.

Scandinavian Coldblood Trotter

A Coldblood Trotter may belong to either one of two closely related and interconnected breeds of horse: the Norsk Kaldblodstraver (Norwegian Coldblood Trotter) and the Svensk Kallblodstravare (Swedish Coldblood Trotter).

Schleswig Coldblood

The Schleswig Coldblood (German: Schleswiger Kaltblut, Danish: Slesvigsk Koldblod) is a breed of medium-sized draught horse originally from the historic Schleswig region of the Jutland Peninsula, which today is divided between modern Denmark and Germany, and from which its name derives.

Sella Italiano

Sella Italiano is an equine breed created in Italy.


The Senner or Senne is a critically-endangered German breed of riding horse.

Shagya Arabian

The Shagya Arabian is a horse breed which was developed in the Austro-Hungarian Empire during the 19th century at the Bábolna, Mezőhegyes, Radautz, Piber, and Topolcianky studs.


El Shire es una raza de caballo de tiro británica y una de las más grandes del mundo.

Silesian Horse

The Silesian horse, Polish: Koń śląski, Silesian: Ślůnski kůń, is a breed of warmblood horse from the area of historic Silesia, which lies mostly within modern Poland.

Skyros Pony

The Skyrian Horse (Greek αλογάκι της Σκύρου) is a breed of miniature horse found on the Greek isle of Skyros.

Slovak Saddle

The Slovak Saddle (Slovak: Slovenský teplokrvník) is a sport horse breed from Slovakia.

Small German Riding Horse

Small German Riding Horse is the name of a horse breed bred in Germany.

Sokolski Horse

The Sokolski, Polish: Sokólski or Koń sokólski, is a Polish breed of draught horse.

Somali Pony

The Somali Pony is a breed originating in Somalia in East Africa.


El Sorraia es un antiguo tipo de caballo primitivo de Portugal (entre los ríos Sor y Raia), cuya influencia se hace patente en numerosas razas modernas de caballos ligeros.

South German Coldblood

The South German Coldblood (German: Süddeutsches Kaltblut) is a breed of draught horse from southern Germany.

Soviet Heavy Draft

The Soviet Heavy Draft is a Russian breed of heavy draft horse.

Spanish Barb

The Spanish Barb horse is a direct descendant of the original horses brought over from Spain.

Spanish-Norman Horse

The Spanish-Norman horse is a warmblood horse breed that is the result of crosses between two much older breeds – the Andalusian of Spain and the Percheron of France.


The Standardbred is an American horse breed best known for its ability in harness racing, where members of the breed compete at either a trot or pace.

Sudan Country-Bred

The Sudan Country-Bred is a relatively new breed.

Suffolk Punch

El Suffolk Punch también conocido históricamente como Caballo de Suffolk o Sorrel de Suffolk,[1]​ es una raza de caballo de tiro inglés.

Sumbawa Pony

The Sumbawa Pony (Indonesian: kuda-Sumbawa) is a pony breed, named after the island on which they are bred, Sumbawa Island in Indonesia.

Swedish Ardennes

The Swedish Ardennes is a medium-size, heavyweight draft horse.

Swedish Warmblood

The Swedish Warmblood is a horse breed that was developed at Strömsholm and Flyinge in Sweden.

Swiss Warmblood

The Swiss Warmblood, also called the Einsiedler, is a horse breed, founded in the 10th century on the local Schwyer stock.


El Taishū (japonés 対州馬, taishū uma) o Tsushima (対馬馬, tsushima uma) es una raza de caballos japonesa de pequeño tamaño, autóctona de Tsushima,[1]​ isla del estrecho de Corea, en la Prefectura de Nagasaki.[2]​ Debido a su reducida talla se lo clasifica como poni.


The Tawleed horse breed was developed in the Khartoum region of Sudan.

Tersk Horse

The Tersk or Tersky is a Russian breed of light riding horse of Arab type.


Besides the Thessalian pony, in Greece there are also the Peneia pony, the Arravani pony and the Skyros pony (also Skyros horse).

Tiger Horse

Tiger horses are gaited, spotted horses with a coat color much like the Appaloosa.

Timor Pony

The Timor Pony was developed on Timor Island, likely from Indian breeds of horses and ponies that were imported to the island.

Tokara Horse

The Tokara (吐噶喇馬, Tokara-uma) (also known as the Kagoshima horse) is a Japanese horse native to the Tokara Islands, a group of islands in Kagoshima Prefecture at the southwestern tip of the island of Kyushu.

Tori Horse

The Tori (Estonian: tori hobune) is a horse originating in continental Estonia.

Trait Du Nord

The Trait du Nord, previously also known as Ardennais du Nord or Ardennais de type Nord, is a breed of heavy draft horse developed and bred in the area of Hainaut in western Belgium and in northeastern France.


Trakehner is a light warmblood breed of horse, originally developed at the East Prussian state stud farm in the town of Trakehnen from which the breed takes its name.


Trotters are several breeds of horses that are used in trotting races.


The Tschernomor horse is a breed that comes from the Black Sea region.


The Turkoman horse, or Turkmene, was an Oriental horse breed from the steppes of Turkoman desert.

Ukrainian Riding Horse

The Ukrainian Riding Horse (Ukrainian: украї́нський верхови́й кінь) or Ukrainian Saddle Horse is a modern Ukrainian breed of warmblood sport horse.


Origin of the Uzunyayla breed dates to 1854 in Turkey.


The Vlaamperd, SA Vlamperd or Vlamperd is a very rare horse breed developed in the Western Cape region of South Africa.

Vladimir Heavy Draft

The Vladimir Heavy Draft is a Russian breed of heavy draught horse.


The Vyatka or Viatka (Russian: Вятская лошадь, vyatskaya loshad) is an endangered breed of horse native to the former Vyatka region, now the Kirov Oblast of the Russian Federation.

Vyatka Horse

The Vyatka or Viatka (Russian: Вятская лошадь, vyatskaya loshad) is an endangered breed of horse native to the former Vyatka region, now the Kirov Oblast of the Russian Federation.


The Waler is an Australian breed of riding horse developed from horses that were brought to the Australian colonies in the 19th century.


The Walkaloosa is a horse breed that performs an intermediate ambling gait besides the trot.


The Warlander is a horse of Baroque type, produced by crossing Friesian horses with horses of a purebred registered Iberian horse breed such as the Andalusian, Lusitano, or Menorquina.


The Welara is a part-Arabian pony breed developed from the Arabian horse and the Welsh pony.

Western Sudan Pony

The Western Sudan pony (also known as the Darfur pony, Gharkawi, and Kordofani) is a breed of pony that is found in southern Darfur and southwestern Kordofan in Sudan.

Westphalian Horse

The Westphalian or Westfalen is a warmblood horse bred in the Westphalia region of western Germany.


The Wielkopolski is a breed of horse that was originated in Central and Western Poland in 1964, and is occasionally known as Mazursko-Poznanski.


The Woronesch horse is also called Bitjug.


The Württemberger, Baden-Württemberger or Württemberg is a Warmblood horse breed originating in Germany.

Xilingol Horse

A horse of central Inner Mongolia, the Xilingol is a light horse that is used both for riding and for draft purposes.


The Yakutian (Yakut: Саха ата, Sakha ata) or Yakut is a native horse breed from the Siberian Sakha Republic (or Yakutia) region.

Yili Horse

The Yili is a small horse from the north-western Xinjiang region of China.


The Yonaguni or Yonaguni uma (与那国馬) is a critically-endangered Japanese breed of small horse.


The Zangersheide is a Belgian breed or stud-book of warmblood sport horses.


The Zaniskari or Zanskari is a breed of small mountain horse or pony from Ladakh, in northern India.


The Zweibrücker (pl.Zweibrücken) is a type of German warmblood horse bred in Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland.


The Çukurova is a rare Turkish horse breed.

Öland Horse

The Öland Horse, also called Ölännigen, was a horse breed on the Swedish Baltic Sea-island Öland.


The Žemaitukas (plural: Žemaitukai, literally: little Samogitian) is a historic horse breed from Lithuania.